Overview of Medicare: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Medicare is crucial for anyone approaching eligibility or supporting loved ones through the process. This blog provides an in-depth look at Medicare,
Special Needs Plans (SNPs) are a subgroup of Medicare Advantage Plans specifically designed to provide targeted care and manage
Medicare, established in 1965, serves as a crucial healthcare program primarily for individuals over 65 and younger people

Why Does Medicare Exist?

Medicare was signed into law on July 30th, 1965, by President Lyndon B. Johnson establishing basic healthcare for elderly Americans.

Why are Prescription Medications so High in the United States?

The high cost of prescription medications in the United States can be attributed to several factors, including

Thoughts on Medicare Part B Premium

Medicare Part B premiums have indeed increased since the inception of the program in 1966.

Medicare Supplement Plan Versus Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plan

Choosing between a Medicare Supplement plan (Medigap) and a Medicare Advantage

Medicare Initial Election Period (I.E.P.)

The Medicare Initial Election Period (IEP) is a crucial window of time during which eligible individuals can enroll in Medicare for the first time.

Medicare Cost Savings Programs

Medicare Cost Savings Programs are vital initiatives aimed at providing financial assistance to low-income individuals and families to help them afford their healthcare costs

Medicare Annual Notice of Change (ANOC)

Medicare Cost Savings Programs are vital initiatives aimed at providing financial assistance to low-income individuals and families to help them afford their healthcare costs.

How to Sign-Up for Original Medicare

Signing up for Original Medicare, which includes Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) and Medicare Part B (medical insurance), is a relatively straightforward process.

How to Keep a Healthcare Journal

Keeping a healthcare journal can be a valuable tool for managing your health, especially if you have chronic medical conditions, are undergoing treatment, or want to track your overall well-being